Thursday, November 5, 2020

Extrapolation & Future Schools In 2060 Project Trends?

Now that you have read many of your peers' Future School Extrapolation Projects, what are you thinking?  Holistically, what are your reasonable extrapolations regarding all of the extrapolations you have read?  What potential changes excite you the most?  What potential changes fill you with angst and apprehension?  Other thoughts? 
(Please complete this blog response by in class on Thur., Nov. 5th or Fri., Nov. 6th.)


  1. Not too far off from today's reality. Automated tutors, emphasis on computers, and speculative holographic computers. Not much really is different. Very interesting.

  2. I think that some of the ideas are not realistic and only benefit the laziness of a child. But, some of the other ideas were amazing and I thought would really help the next generation.

  3. I'm really interested in the changes of the use of physical object such as textbooks. If everything changed into computers and/or holographic it would really help students not to carry heavy backpack daily.

  4. There is a lot more new classes. Like coding and medicine classes. There is also a lot more technology for everything. Like security and classwork. Those are the two biggest trends that I've seen

  5. After looking through many different extrapolations and ideas of what future schools will look like, I notice several different trends among these ideas. The largest and most acknowledged trend would be the way that school looks in general. The set up of the school and classroom will look much different. Many students had similar ideas of new technology to put into the classroom. The materials that students have to take notes and work through their assignments will have greatly improved by then. Another common trend throughout these projects is that highschool will focus on getting you ready specifically for the career of your choice. These careers are also more modernized. They are mainly dealing with medicine, technology, or continuing to teach the youth. It seems like many jobs have been eliminated, or there is just simply no use for them anymore. I am most excited to see the way things change in their appearance. It seems like many people believe things will become more open and vast. There will be more space and our technology will be more aesthetically appealing. I am very excited for the desks to be more interactive. I am most nervous about the idea that people will have to choose their career before they enter highschool. I don’t think this will be reasonable. Lots of kids struggle to decide what snack they want at school, let alone what they want to do with the rest of their life. I think that more advancements and ideas are going to have to be put into place for this to truly happen. It will be very interesting to see what the future holds and has in store for us.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The biggest trends I saw were more technologically based classes and holographic technology.

  8. The biggest trends that I saw was that high schools will not change too much just that the technology will upgrade. -Noah Stark

  9. The biggest trends I saw were improvements on technology and new classes. I also noticed that there were some things that would help a little bit, but would probably cost a lot. -Skyler Gruidel
