Monday, January 20, 2020

Extrapolation And Future Schools In 2060?

Now that you have read many of your peers' Future School Extrapolation Projects, what are you thinking?  Holistically, what are your reasonable extrapolations regarding all of the extrapolations you have read?  What potential changes excite you the most?  What potential changes fill you with angst and apprehension?  Other thoughts? 
(Please complete this blog response by 3:40p.m. on Thur., January 23rd)


  1. Most projects had little to no teachers in their future and it was mainly online, I saw one that talked about nuclear holocaust but that doesn't really relate to school as much

  2. More technology will be implemented in schools. It will be more online and homeschooling will be more apparent. Also, more of the "unknown" will be explored. For me personally, I like the idea of online schooling. Computerized schools could also prove a issue, too, with little socialization and more interaction will screens.

  3. Internet will be faster and more reliable
    Some classes will be taught online with no teacher present
    Some desks will have a built in Ipad
    Field trips will be only by virtual reality
    Food options will be different.
    Kids will not need backpacks. Only need their computers
    High quality vending machines that only take card or apple pay
    Voice activated ipads

  4. I noticed a lot of repeated ideas of there being no physical school building. Students would take their classes online and with tablets. I found it really interesting how real world experiences will be gone. I saw one that said field trips would be through visual reality. I feel like the loss of real world experiences would be a waste. I also think students wouldn't be well-rounded due to the fact that they wouldn't take classes they are bad at. It is important to learn from your challenges so you can grow as a student. I found a lot of similar ideas but I think the school system we have now really impacts most students in a positive way.

  5. I saw a common trend that there will be no teachers. Either the teachers will be robots or just online curriculums. I also noticed science and math is the main focus for teaching and english and literature is not included as much or even taught. The school hallways also seem to be very different and futuristic many people changed how we would get through the halls and how we would move around in general.

  6. A theme that many people seemed to comment on was the presence and possible evolution of technology. Many people believed that technology would be used even more often than it is today. People would use technology for learning, and their wouldn't be a traditional school like there is today.

  7. Internet will be faster and more reliable
    Some classes will be taught online with no teacher present
    Some desks will have a built in Ipad
    Field trips will be only by virtual reality
    Food options will be different.
    Kids will not need backpacks. Only need their computers
    High quality vending machines that only take card or apple pay
    Voice activated ipads

  8. A very common trend among all of the presentation was that electronic devices, whether that was computers or tablets, completely replaced paper and books. I think this would be a welcome change, as it would save tons of trees and other resources while making schooling more streamlined and intuitive. While I think that eventually, this will be a reality, I still think teachers will be maintained, even if curriculums are changed.

  9. Some common things that I saw from presentation to presentation is that technology would completely change and reshape schools, but there are a lot of other ideas. However, no presentation considered the fact that there is a possibility that the human race could have died out entirely by 2060

  10. As I think about the future schools in 2060 I think a lot about how technology will take control of our lives. Even today technology is beginning to take a major part of education and in 2060 I believe that all of school will be done online. Although I will be out of school in 2060 it excites me that our future is going to based off of technology, but it is also scary. I think that technology is a great thing to have and makes our economy very advanced. However, our society may begin to be so focused on technology that everyone will lose their ability to communicate with others and experience new things outside of the tablets and computers. Overall, all of the Future School Projects had reasonable extrapolations that showed how far our society has already come and where it will take us.

  11. Technology seemed to be a common theme in most of the presentations I looked at. Most of the ideas involve giving students more technology to learn with, and many people also considered the idea of getting rid of teachers. With no teachers, most if not all work and learning would happen online so students wouldn’t even have to show up to school. There are definitely a lot of good ideas that I saw that would improve learning, but a lot of it also makes me nervous about what my children's schools will really be like.

  12. The changes that excite me the most is Virtual Reality Headsets and Examples. I personally think that it'd be really cool to have the Classroom Experience be entirely through a Virtual Space because it'd make School more interesting. I also think that more Students would be willing to learn if School's in the future would implement this, and I could see some great potential in this idea.
    There are a few changes that also fill me with some concern, such as the idea that school will be completely digital. This is great of course since it makes compiling information and media easier for the teachers, and also for the students,but there also comes serious security risks. Data Hacks, Security Breaches and Cyber Attacks are all going to be apart of reality for Future Schools who decide to go fully Digital. Student Names, IDs, Phone Numbers, Addresses and any other personal information have a higher chance to be leaked to the public because of this.

  13. There are many different patterns I have seen in everyone's different ideas of the future school. Some of these patterns are that their are less or even no writing or english because everything will be digitized. Also there's a lot more of a focus on the math and science classes. More so I saw that there were many new classes introduced as core classes and all of them had to do with the idea that we need more mechanical and technological advancements. Finally, I saw that there was a lot of ideas that there would be a different way to do school, including VR and robot teachers, this would put many people out of jobs but also make a lot more for the programming of the VR headsets.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I think a completely digital school excites me the most. Although this does take away some potential learning being that it is scientifically proven that handwriting things betters memory of that subject. Internet will also be more efficient, faster, and more error free. Although I do not like the idea of voice activated technology, the idea of it freaks me out, almost like someone is always listening.

  16. A lot of people said it would be more math and science based or that it would be what you chosen but it thinked it would stay reasonably the same main courses with changes to the way it would be taught and probably would have more group activity.

  17. Thinking about the future of education I do believe that or platform will be mostly leaned on the technology side of things. I read many projects on the investment of technology and how it will be associated will the future of education. I am not sure how I feel about the online teacher idea. Being a visual learner I feel that it would be harder to learn in an online environment.

  18. I think most people have the generalized idea that most schooling will be online. There was a mixed opinion on if you would still have to go to a physical schools to do the schooling online or if it would be 100% online. I'm excited to see the advancement in technology and to see how the future will end up but im scared for the future generations. Just because they are going to be born in the future doesn’t mean they will be born smarter. If schooling is 100% online there's no way to tell if the kid will be actually paying attention and cheating. I saw one idea that said schooling will be online but you will have to go to a building where there would be a facilitator making sure you are paying attention and not cheating. This would solve my fears for the future generations.

  19. A lot of other groups seemed to think that the majority of the students learning would be through online schools and physical schools would just stop existing. I think that it would be easier to schedule for people who learn and work better at night time, because they probably could just work on their school work during the night time and be able to be more productive then they would have been in a classroom during the day. It also helps with students who are always traveling and moving around, being able to get their work done when they need to. It would be fairly easy to cheat with online school though so people may not actually learn as well as in a classroom. But it would help a lot of people get out of the environment that distracts them so they could focus on the work in front of them. There are pros and cons of the online school, but that's the way the future is looking so it's better to just prepare for that way of learning/teaching.

  20. I think that it is interesting how quickly many people think that schools will change. There has been little change to the class structure in over 100 years, for example, teachers, desks, days just to name a few. I find it hard to believe that things will change so drastically to the point of no teachers in just 40 years. The changes that excite me the most is the potential for specific based learning early one. This would help prepare students a lot more for what they want to go into college for aby seeing if they like and what they don't like. I am anxious to see how much technology changes schooling. I know that taking physical note if very helpful to me so it will be interesting to see how switch to most technologically based would affect learning. I truly believe that school structure would not change much in 40 years just that curriculum and learning tools will.

  21. I saw a common theme when it comes to schools and education in the future. I saw that there will be no paper and no need for handwriting, as all things involving literature and writing will be done on computers or some form of technology. I also saw that many people think teachers will be out of the job and lots of robots or artificial intelligence will become smarter than us and teach rather than an actual person. I saw that many aspects of human life and interaction within schools is lost in the future, due to many things being done online and taught by online and artificial minds. I think the education system has a lot to gain from technology but I hope the dehumanization I saw within the presentations is not true in the future.

  22. I think in 40 years schools will no longer take place 5 times a week but most likely 2-3 days a week and the rest will be online. I also think there will be less teachers, and the spots will be filled by robots. I think technology will take much a bigger role in future schools.

  23. I think in 40 years schools will be mostly technology based. I think all work will be online. I think you will have a shorter school day. I believe that history class will not exist and that the most important subject will be science. I think that school days will be alot shorter. And I dont think school will take place as frequently or be take place for 12 years.

  24. school will completely revolve around technology: what is taught and how it's taught. there will be less time in physical class and more solo work at home. I find this good and bad as lazy students would have trouble doing school work but proactive students could learn a lot and advance quickly.

  25. Common ideas for school in 40 years:
    * little to no teachers
    * More focus on online schooling less in class lectures
    * Less days of school to attend in a week
    * Mostly technology based and less paper based
    * Even in the in class settings there will be more online teachers and or in person government/district regulated and programed robots

  26. Common themes for this future school project involved things we as students are very biased towards. Often, people used the idea of teachers replaced by computers/robots, specializing in student interests, and large, computer centered classrooms.
