Monday, September 17, 2018

"The Post-Mortem People" And Ethics?

Prior to reading The Post-Mortem People short story, please read/discuss/review the following medical articles taken from The New England Journal Of Medicine- Ethics Of Organ Donation; DDR And The Future Of Organ Donation. What are your thoughts? How do these articles make you think about ethics? Please respond and react to your class discussion and individual thinking. This blog response is due by 3:40p.m. on Wed., Sep. 19th.


  1. The ethics of organ donation is very dicy. These articles make me thing of ethics in the light of medicine as a way of what I would do if I were in that situation. At the end of the day, I believe it comes down to the persons choice. If it is within the family, yes there could be the idea of death, but also think about the idea of bettering someone else's life. I just know if I had a way to make someone's life less painful and more enjoyable while still not endangering myself, I would take the opportunity.

  2. I mean, hey. When I'm dead, I'm not using anything. Nobody else is when they die either. So might as well take what's left, am I right?

  3. I believe that the ethics of organ donations and transplants are very complicated and should be considered carefully. There shouldn't be a universal rule for every single transplant. I believe all people should be an organ donor due to the fact when someone needs it to save their life and you no longer need it, that organ should be donated without hesitation.

  4. I think that the ethics of organ donation is a good way to help people get the new organs they need. When I die I hope that even after death I can donate some organs to give a person a better chance at life.

  5. The ethics of organ donation are very mixed. On the one hand, it comes down to the person's choice but on the other, it could cause that person serious troubles and possibly even death due to the dangers it might cause. If there was a better way to make it so people were not endangering themselves to save someone else then there would certainly be a lot more living organ donors but the problem is that it is very hard. It is also hard because if people chose who to donate to, the person with the best story would more often than not get the donation which provides an unfair advantage to people who can advertise better. It can also be unfair if the donor holds prejudice beliefs against a race, religion, etc. because if the donor would only donate to someone of his/her race, religion or whatever it might be, people who might need it more would not be able to get it quickly.

  6. I think the ethics of organ donation is fine as long as it's to a person who needs the organs.

  7. I think it's cool how humans are able to donate organs like a kidney to save a life, and it typically usually doesn't affect the person who donated it. Like the article said, more than half of all kidney donors are alive, so it's good that we have these people that are helping out.

  8. I think it comes down to the person's choice. I think that nobody should be allowed to take organs from another person in order to save someone else. You must have the consent of the organ donor. I think you can not take organs from a person who is not dead yet and has a chance of living, even if it's very small.

  9. I think that if I die that after my body is used to say goodbye at a funeral then after I want my body used for medical reasons. Like organs transplants and other body parts that could be used to help someone else in their life.

  10. I have no reason to believe that organ donations are unethical. If the organ donor is either deceased or consenting to give their organ, there is no immorality or ethical dilemma involved. The ethics of organ donation does not revolve around the extraction of the organ itself, rather it appears to be the recipient of the organ. Organ donors, whether deceased or not, could/would have preferred to have their organs given to a specific sex, race, religion, etc.

  11. The ethics of organ donation makes a whole lot of sense to me, because your body being dead is not being used, besides either siting in a casket or being burned. Organs that are perfectly useful and unharmed should go to use to someone in need. It makes perfect sense. If I died I would let anyone use anything from that is needed.

  12. The ethics of an organ donor is very important. I don't know if I would be able to donate any of my organs while I'm alive, but when I die, I would love to donate my oragns if it would save another life.

  13. i think the ethics of it are kinda weird because you're taking parts of a dead persons body, but you're also giving organs to a person who might die without your organs. i think everyone should be an organ donor, because the person that's dead doesn't need it and someone else will need it. i see no problem with people taking organs after they die, because them keeping perfectly good organs wouldn't make any sense

  14. As with anything controversial, the ethics involved with organ transplanting very muddied. On one hand there's the saving a life aspect, while on the other there's the respect for the dead, or in some cases living.

  15. I believe that their are people that are willing to take the risk of saving a life. If they do not decide to help out the person, then they will feel guilt. I think it is up to the individual to decide if they are willing to take that risk.

  16. I think organ donation is ethical because it saves lives and helps people in need. The donors are almost always fine after the procedure. However, the black market for organs is extremely unethical.

  17. I think that this is a controversial subject and from what I have learned, it should be allowed to take someone's organs before they die if they consent to it. Along these lines though is euthanasia which is killing people prematurely, also known as assisted suicide, by means of medical help which can be very bad but unlike euthanasia this would be helping other people because what are you going to do with a kidney once you are dead. These articles make me think about right and wrong and how sensitive the argument really could be.

  18. I personally believe that a person has the right to do whatever they want with their organs, however, there should be some constraints about who can donate. Dead? Go ahead. Dying? Donate the healthy organs. Healthy? Maybe a kidney. Nothing wrong and you just don't want to continue? Nope. It's situational, and should be approached cautiously.

  19. These articles show us some ethical problems with people donating organs. I think that the issue of only donating an organ to a certain race or religion is way more of a problem than most. BUt many states have the law of no restrictions on donating organs. ALso I think it is crazy people would only donate their organs to who they want to and not to who really needs it.

  20. Some people take a very religious standpoint when it comes to death and burial, the idea of donating organs when someone is dead has been around for a very long time, but using live people as a bag for healthy organs is wrong, and that what i feel the situation will be for the post mortem people.

  21. I think the ethics of organ transplant are up to the donator. The opportunity to donate is present and the idea of helping another, especially if you have no use for the organ anymore.

  22. I think as long as no other people are harmed in the process of acquiring the transplant it is all ok. When you die you have no use for your pieces parts so give them use.

  23. I agree with lots of these articles stating that organ donations should be allowed with consent but I also think that donating organs will lead to a scary society. I think this because the more people start to get injured or want a new part of their body then illegal black market for body parts will become real. Organs are a part of someone and should not be taken without consent but at the same time allowing organ donors will create a black market for harvesting humans.

  24. I think that the morals of organ donations can be challenging. It is something that the donator needs to think about for a long time, because they are potentially risking their life. I don't care what happens to my organs when i'm dead. I'm not using them, so someone might as well take them if it's going to potentially save their life. I don't understand why anyone would ever opposed to donating their organs once they are already dead.

  25. When thinking about the etics of organ donations, i feel that it is an extremly hard descision to say if its ethical or not. My thoughts are that if the person is able and gives consent, i think it's ethical, though if a person is known to have thoughts as the man with the obesion to donate his organs, i dont think that would be as ethical. The life of a healthy person is somewhat a bit more important, we shouldnt risk both lives for the possibility of the operation working. Though people do have the choice and give consent and the option to better someones life for a somewhat cerenty, i think it would be ethical.

  26. I am a little surprised that this is an issue since this should be pretty obvious, that the people should be able to tell if they should or not. I am also a little shocked to see that this is an issue in medicine.

  27. I believe that when I'm dead, if my organs are healthy, and someone needs organs they should have mine. I could prevent someone else from dying after I'm dead

  28. After reading these two articles, I'm honestly not to sure as to where I stand on this argument, simply because it's not going to apply to me the same way it would apply to someone else. Best example I can think of is the great Walter Payton, who suddenly needed a liver transplant and unfortunately passed away not too much later. It's difficult to say that there's a right answer to this, whether it's have all passed people give up their organs rather than well living people, because giving up an organ is just as life threatening. Like Walter Payton's situation, asking someone for their liver was essentially asking them to give up their life, and unless you're that selfless and are willing to do it, the chances of that happening are very very unlikely. So to bring this to a close, it's all up to who you are, and what you believe is the right thing to do.

  29. i think it's good because your helping people like if i don't have a second chance and I can help others i will gladly give them what ever they need

  30. I believe that if the donator fully consents and is educated on the outcome of their donation, they should have all the right to do so. Its an even more difficult decision when life or death is a factor, no matter who is involved. Truly, it is up to the donator to make that sacrifice.
