Friday, September 14, 2018

The Impact Of "Forbidden Planet?"

Now that you have completed viewing Forbidden Planet,what are you contemplating when you read the following article and quotation? Please complete this blog response by 3:40p.m. on Fri., Sep. 14th.
  • Article: Forbidden Planet Article
  • Quotation: "Every subsequent sci-fi movie and TV show is indebted to Forbidden Planet" (Charles Matthews, Oscar A-Z).


  1. After watching Forbidden Planet I do agree that it was in fact the inspiration behind some of our greatest movie series like Star Wars and Star Trek and a big reason why those movies became so successful, because the producers of these movies were inspired by Forbidden Planet.

  2. Forbidden Planet is a staple example of the sci-fi genre Raygun-Gothic, and also is a basis for most sci-fi that followed. Films from Star Wars to Alien can be traced back to it.

  3. The movie Forbidden PLanet had a huge impact on the movie industry and science fiction. A lot of newer movies after Forbidden Planet based a lot of their material off of the movie. Like the robot in the movie was a good base for new robots in future movies like ¨Ïnvisable Boy". Not only did Forbidden planet have good story line the movie overall was amazing for time it was made. The sounds, graphics, and commentary was ahead of its time.

  4. I agree with Charles Matthew's opinion that "'Every subsequent sci-fi movie and TV show is indebted to Forbidden Planet.'" I think The Forbidden Planet inspired other movie directors and screenplay writers. The Forbidden Planet opened up a whole new level of science fiction found in movies. I believe that main science fiction movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars got some ideas from Forbidden Planet.

  5. It does not surprise me at all that Forbidden Planet would go on to inspire all of these other sci-fi elements. At this time period, Forbidden Planet was very unique and hadn't been done before especially with such detail and gloss to the film. It was very modern for its time. There were parts that obviously inspired Star Trek, Star Wars, Twilight Zone and others. The way you can tell are the settings, objects, and locations are very close to what would then be inspired to be these famous sci-fi pieces.

  6. After reading those facts, I am surprised at how well this movie was years after. For example, they article stated how the film "has spawned its fair share of merch."

    For the quote, I would have to agree more than I would disagree. Forbidden Planet definitely sparked lots of inspiration for other movies like Star Trek and Star Wars, being it was the first film to take place outside of earth.

  7. After I watched Forbidden Planet and read the article, I finally realized how much this movie meant to sci-fi and future movies of the genre. I do realize how good the graphics were for the 1950's and the main major achievement this film accomplished in my opinion was the space travel and how it was the first outer space movie.

  8. I agree with the quotation ¨Every Subsequent sci-fi movie and TV show is indebted to Forbidden Plant¨(Charles Matthew) because all of the Star Trek movies that I have watched all have many components to these movies. Both movies have spaceships, teleporters, and futuristic guns. They also both have male dominance inside of the spaceship and they have a similar crew with doctors, captains, repairmen etc. Because Star Trek is so similar to Forbidden Plant I believe that it is indebted to Forbidden Planet.

  9. After watching Forbidden Planet and reading the article and quotation I understand why the movie Forbidden Planet has influenced other sci-fi movies. Forbidden Planet was a new genre of movie and inspired other people to make movies that were alike. I other could understand how the movie soundtrack was popular because back then that type of music was new. Overall, I could see why the movie Forbidden Planet influenced other movies because of it's new ideas.

  10. I am contemplating the truth of a lot of the things that they say in the article like that Robby was related to washing machines and I wonder how much of the things they say are opinions or just thoughts rather than facts with evidence. I am also surprised that they say "Forbidden Planet" has a lot of merchandise which would mean that they had fans which I didn't really see. I however am not surprised that the quote says that sci-fi movie and TV shows are indebted to this film because it had a lot of sound and a lot of ideas that I see in other things like this even though the sound was awful and it was all on another planet which is kinda like star wars where they don't every visit Earth which is fun.

  11. Now that you have completed viewing Forbidden Planet,what are you contemplating when you read the following article and quotation? Please complete this blog response by 3:40p.m. on Fri., Sep. 14th.
    Article: Forbidden Planet Article
    Quotation: "Every subsequent sci-fi movie and TV show is indebted to Forbidden Planet" (Charles Matthews, Oscar A-Z).

    I am contemplating how Forbidden Planet inspired a lot of films without those films copying all the ideas, a lot of ideas were practically copied over to films like Star Trek without people noticing how those concepts were practically copied over. I also wonder if they will ever remake the film due to its iconic status as a revolutionary science fiction film. Were there any real world events that they symbolised in this film? The only thing I could find was the sexism that used to exist back then against both sides. It's interesting that there is no clear reference to the Soviet Union or even the Nazis or Imperial Japan in the film even though this was ten years after World War Two and was released in the middle of the Cold War. The film by today's standards would not be very great simply because of today's demands of action and effects but looking from a story standpoint, it was a great story, and at the time this came out, effects like those were not seen in films so it amazed people who saw it, much like Star Wars and Star Trek have.

  12. Forbidden Planet was the true godfather to some very great science fiction ideas, movies, etc. Star Trek would not exist if it wasn't for the boldness of the creators of a movie that was way ahead of its time. although the soundtrack seems annoying to us now, it was something that the people of that time could ever comprehend. Modern science fiction would not exist without Forbidden Planet.

  13. Forbidden Planet is a good science fiction movie for the time, however, though a lot of themes like it appear in other movies, I believe that inspiration was often not Forbidden Planet. I think the special affects and soundtrack in the movie was revolutionary but that does not reflect on its thematic purpose. Others have had ideas of other worlds, robots, and exploration of human nature and although it is not the reason for other movies or books but it is a great addition to them.

  14. After reading the article and the quote, I agree that sci-fi movies and TV shows are indebted to this film. Forbidden Planet was probably a huge inspiration to people who saw it at the time. Since this movie came out there have been so many movies that have very similar concepts to this one. I personally didn't like the movie but I can see the importance of it in the genre of science fiction. I'm glad that sci-fi movies coming out now don’t have as many annoying space sounds though.

  15. After watching Forbidden Planet, I noticed that many science fiction movies made afterwards, they have a lot of similarities to Forbidden Planet. It's really interesting, because even the soundtrack was cool, because there was so many sounds, and a lot of science fiction movies and maybe even action movies have a lot of sounds. I think that this is because people liked the idea of a lot of sounds. Even today, in movies, though not as prominent, there are few scenes in movies that have no sound. Most movies now have sound going on all the time, even though we might not even notice, and I think this is because Forbidden Planet set the stones for many movies today.

  16. Based on many of the current movies that I've seen, "Forbidden Planet" is quite the influence. For example the "beaming" technology seems to be the precursor to the Star Trek matter transporter.

  17. The impact of Forbidden Planet and to answer the quote is that the movie was huge because if it wasn't for that movie, Star Wars probably wouldn't be the mega series it is today. Also, Star Trek is also indebted to Forbidden Planet for paving the way for science fiction in the movie industry.

  18. Forbidden Planet inspired many different Si-Fi movies and is the movie we have to thank for the modern day si-fi.

  19. Subsequent sci-fi movies and tv shows are made from Forbidden Planet. Because of how they left earth, and went into outer space and a new planet.

  20. TJ Avery

    After watching the film and reading the article it made me think about how far science fiction has come. I see lots of similarities of movies after Forbidden planet as well. I believe that Forbidden Planet laid the groundwork for movies to come and build upon the fantastical limits of Sci Fi.

  21. After reading both the article and the quotation, i am conteplating some things. Overall i thought Forbidden Planet was an okay movie, it got pretty boring at some times; but it was great for its time. When thinking about the film i also thought about its social impact with other sci-fi fimls. I think that as popular that this film was it inspired stronger female leads. With Forbidden's only female character i think that it began to break sexist sterotypes, though it did show sexism and male dominancy it was trying its best for its time.

  22. Forbidden planes is indeed an import sci fi film because it really defines sci fi. It is futuristic and packed with gadgets but it also has a clear message to take away. If one wishes to create a sci fi piece. All the parts can be found in this film.

  23. You can see multiple visuals, technologies, and vocabulary that steamed from the original sci-fi movies such as "Forbidden Planet". Movies like such, influenced current movies such as Star wars and Star Trek.

  24. After watching this film, it is easy to see that Forbidden Planet was a great movie for its time and very advanced. It presents many concepts and ideas that are seen in countless other sci-fi. Because of this, I agree with the quote but I wouldn't say every sci-fi media is indebted.

  25. It is clear from watching forbidden planet that it was very advanced movie for it's time. I would agree with the quote because a lot of sci-fi films are placed in space. I've also notice how it is mostly based in the future

  26. It was shown to me, that Forbidden Planet was the first stepping stone in building the subject of science fiction, and what science fiction has become to this day. Forbidden planet was like an introduction to science fiction, and possessed those qualities of space and aliens that we still see in movies today.

  27. After reading the article, quote, and watching the movie, I think that the Forbidden planet was the start of inspiration for more recent science fiction movies. I've watched a lot of Star Wars and I think a lot of ideas were drawn from Forbidden Planet. You can see the ideas of extrapolation in every aspect of the movie whether it be the robot, graphics in the movie, weapons, and planet figures.

  28. After watching and reading, I see Forbidden Planet as the founding father of science fiction movies.

  29. Being that this movie was the first Science Fiction movie that gained attention and popularity, I feel that it inspired a lot of future work. Throughout the film extrapolation is shown in a detailed and interesting manner. Although the graphics are a lot different in today's world, its interesting to see how relevant the plot is still and some things that the film has truly predicted for the future.
