Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Xenophobia And Alien Planets?

As you viewed the Alien Planet Projects created by your peers, what did you notice?  How do these projects help us delve into the concept of xenophobia?  Please comment, share, argue, and critique the trends or ideas that you noticed.  Please complete this blog response by Wednesday, October 12th at 2:30p.m.


  1. By being taught the different life forms and what their adaptions are and how they are so different from us. I noticed that many of the projects were forms of life and planets that we already know of.

  2. This project goes into the idea of xenophobia. Some of these creatures are very strange to someone who has not seen them before. We know nothing really about these creatures yet we are still afraid of them

  3. By being taught the different life forms and what their adaptions are and how they are so different from us. I noticed that many of the projects were forms of life and planets that we already know of.

  4. After viewing my peers planets, I found the trend that most of the creatures were based off of other earth like creatures as well based to the biome it lived in. These projects help us understand Xenophobia more because it shows what others might think of aliens and alien planets.

  5. As I was walking around I noticed that many people thought outside the box when creating their creates, making a wide variety of species with different characteristics for each. The reason this is important is because not all of the creatures were dangerous, however, they were all frightening to look at simply because they look and act different.

  6. when looking through some of the projects, it seems like there were a lot of connections to Earth-like creatures. IT seems like this pushes the idea of the subtle differences in a similar idea pushes normal.

  7. A lot of the projects used extrapolation of our own animals and fauna. Some students really delved deep into the origin story of discover even citing today's missions to planets as vessels of arrival. For the most part, inhabitants were docile and non intrusive to each other. These can help us dive deep into the idea of xenophobia by what we're presented with what students created and how we personally react to them.

  8. It can be astoundingly difficult to imagine something entirely unique and original, and I would personally be impressed if any of my peers were able to create a planet on which there are truly genuinely unique inhabitants the are not based on something that is somewhat prevolant here on earth. That being said, some are much more creatively inept than others as in any situation

  9. The way planets are formed with the same type of creatures we have on earth but just a small mixture of how the planet has changed. The project help us with xenophobia because it made us worry about the type of things we were going to see as we walked around looking at different planets.

  10. When viewing the results of this activity, I found it interesting that many of these creatures were related to Earth animals. One of the more specific things, was that the more intelligent species were very humanlike in nature, they had the same basic elements to early human existence. I had just about the same concept as well. I think this activity helps relate back to the story “Puppet Show”, as we made the most intelligent species to resemble humans. I think there could be a semblance of xenophobia in that we assume that we, as humans, are as advanced as it can get. It’s true we’re complex life forms, but admittedly it’s selfish to think we’re the cutting edge beings in the universe.

  11. It seemed to me that many of the projects that I viewed had at least one life form that was roughly humanoid and was the main intelligent creature on the planet. That was how my own project was as well. This shows that we want alien life to resemble the human race in a way because that's what we know and are comfortable with. I do not think that this constitutes xenophobia however. Xenophobia is an irrational fear. If alien life forms were discovered I do not think it would be irrational to be apprehensive about their capabilities and mannerisms, because they are so foreign and we know so little about them.

  12. There were a large amount of dangerous looking life forms created within the projects with points to the idea that we find alien life as a scary concept. This is a real life example to xenophobia. On a different note, some very original ideas came through some of these projects such as the type of air present and the relationships that intelligent species have with one another. By looking at the creative products of our brains we can often find the things that we are afraid of.

  13. After viewing the other projects it became apparent that all these people had very different ideas and it made me think about how if any of these planets were to meet then the results could be catastrophic. I could definitely decent the xenophobic aspects within each presentation.

  14. I noticed that a lot of planets had more animal life forms than intelligent human life forms. This relates to the "Puppet Show" with the idea that humans are the dominant race and I think that many people are afraid to challenge that or simply believe it to be true.

  15. All of the creatures on the new planets were odd and different. This could be a cause for xenophobia.

  16. After viewing everyone project, I saw some very unique ideas and I also saw some life forms that had a lot of Earth creature characteristics. This projects relates to xenophobia because most of the creatures are weird and we would be scared of them if they were real.

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  18. Most people used the base of their life forms from animals here on earth.It would be very difficult to come up with life forms nothing like ones we know and that was really easy to see.

  19. After viewing others project I noticed that everyone has their own creative ideas of what xenophobia is to them. On every planet there was always something or someone the occupants of the planet are afraid of.

  20. As I looked at the different projects I noticed that people had different types of aliens on those planets. They had very active imaginations and were really creative. How these projects help us delve into the concept of xenophobia is that we can put into our own thinking and we can show what xenophobia means for us. It helps us to better understand xenophobia and how creating monsters and stuff like that could be a fear for people. I really liked the creativity and the ideas of the planets. Some had dry climates some had something different. It was really interesting.

  21. It seems a lot of species of plant and animal take inspiration from things we already know about from earth with mixed or different characteristics. Perhaps this feeds into the idea of xenophobia, showing an unwillingness to make anything that feels t o o alien?

  22. As I looked at each project I thought about humans and how they would react upon arrival as well as coming in contact with each creature. Knowing our reactions to many life forms that we see day after day, I believe we would fear these unknown species and cage them. We would attempt to tame them and make them our own. The people on earth absolutely have xenophobia of anything unknown.

  23. After looking at each project I thought about the pictures of all the alien lifeforms on the planets and well I think that would be a a form pf xenophobia

  24. The alien planet projects were all very well thought out. It was interesting to see everyone's reactions to the different life forms. People thought that the were weird and interesting. It shows how we all have at least a little bit of xenophobia in us. It was also intriguing to see the planets through different websites like PlanetMaker.

  25. I thought that all of the projects were really cool. But I could really picture all of the planets and could see how all of the wildlife could live on the planet they where meant to be on.

  26. I was not able to participate in this activity. I had a injury known as a concussion

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  28. Xenophobia is shown in the planet project by us creating the animal we may not be scared because we not they do and how they act. If you lived on this planet you may not know what the atmosphere is like and or creators because you dont know.

  29. All of the alien planet projects were excellent they showed the xenophobic nature of visiting another world i loved how creative some people were with the visuals it helped really draw me into the planet
