Friday, April 6, 2018

Frankenstein Or "Us In The Machine?"

What does Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" make you think? How might this video connect with The Frankenstein Complex stories to date? Explain and use one quotation from a short story to connect. Reflect, dissect, challenge, etc... Please complete this prompt in class or by 2:30p.m. on Mon., April 16th.


  1. Wesch's video makes me think how much bigger the world is then just your simple town. The Internet is a way to connect around the world and to learn. How it connects is when the internet gets to the point where it knows everything there will be no need for humans anymore.

  2. This video makes me think about deep stuff just like deep space. There was so much going behind and deep into the most simplest things we do on the computer. This connects to the Frankenstein story by the same kind of things being created to make some simple things or some more advanced items.

  3. The short video is saying that when we use the internet, we are teaching "the Machine" and giving it more information. We are the creators of "the Machine", and therefore we should be careful about what we are creating. We need to be wary of the ethical issues surrounding technology, specifically the internet. If we are not okay with what is going on in the web currently, then maybe we are actually to blame since we are the creators. The Frankenstein Complex asks if the creator is more to blame than the creation. So maybe instead of blaming the internet for ethical issues, we should realize that we are actually the creators and the teachers ourselves.

  4. This connects with the frankenstein complex because we are scared of what we are teaching machines every time we use them. I think that is great that we are so technologically advanced but we should focus on our privacy because our information differently gets out. We are teaching our computers information about our selfs.

  5. It makes us think how connected we are to technology. The majority of people in the world use technology. It also shows with the advancement of technology, its becoming more human every singe day. Even the robots on the phones, they sound more human now. The overall video makes me wonder how human these machines will become.

  6. We are creating a Frankenstein of our own that isn't necessarily a monster but rather a machine. We are designing it surpass us without ever realizing its potential. "We are the advance of the future, not you men. All your stupid human history has been just your own replacement by us, and theres nothing, not one thing, that you can do that we can't do better. Why don't you help me?". We are challenging our own existence.

  7. The video made me think about how much information we are actually searching on a computer a day. We search so many things a day and the computer always has the answer so some might say a computer is smarter than the human. I think this is to some extent true because every time we search something the computer we are searching it on is learning something new.

  8. The video shows all of the different things you can do on the internet and all of the different ways you can connect with others all across the world. At one point it gets to the point where it says that this is the future and it is more superior than humans. This gives the idea that there will be no need for humans.

  9. it reminds me that machines don't live forever. Some are really old on the verge of death like old html websites. It doesn't take much for the entire thing to disappear and die.

  10. Wesch's video brings up the idea of "The Machine" learning from everything we do. Whether it's clicking on a link, looking at an image, or even typing; "The Machine" will always be watching us.

    This video connects with the topic of The Frankenstein Complex because it is having us fear what we created.

    One portion of Eyebem has the character of the same name tell his human creator that they are superior to humans in every way. Which emphasizes the concept of The Frankenstein Complex even greater.

  11. As I have said before, our fear of machines is truly a fear of ourselves. We are responsible for the things we create. No one makes revolutionary technology by accident, there is no hand of God interfering to create machines. We have become the creators and therefore our creations reflect us and our desires. Eyebem says “there’s nothing, not one thing, that you [humans] can do that we can’t do better” which may be true, we make robots who can think faster, move better, possess greater strength and speed than us. However, Eyebem also begs Mark to help him. He is not independent of humanity. We are not independent of machines at this point in time. We are now intertwined and in a sense we have become the motivating factor of the machine.

  12. This video makes me think about how similar we are to our machines they use us and we use them without really knowing that much about them. There are so many things that happen in order to make your computer search things and help you in your daily life. This connects to the frankenstein complex because the computer is so advanced soo it will be able to do things we can't and there will be no use for us.

  13. This video made me think about what the world is coming to. WE are always on electronics, and we never leave them behind. People couldn't live without machines, but machines would never be without people. HAve we become so attached to these objects so much, that we have practically have become the machine. I feel like this kind of relates back to the Frankenstein complex because we should be fearing what man will become, because of what technology does to us. When the power in the whole world stops working, people will panic, riot, and cause their own destruction, because we can't live without machines. What will we do when our own technology fails us?

  14. The video reminded me of how technology creates problems along with all the good things it brings. Privacy is one of the first things that comes to mind, but there’s also many other problems that get created.

  15. The short video made me realize how much of an impact technology and machines have on our daily lives. At one point the video stated "the machine is us" which made me think about how technology has overcome our society. This video shows a big connection to the Frankenstein Complex because there are times in our world and society where we would be better off without the technology present. People tend to only look at the advantages and benefits of technology in their daily lives or on society, but there will be a time when the technology comes around the hurt people and contribute negatively to society. There won't necessarily be a fear of the machines or technology as much as regretting the decision to manufacture or purchase this technology. In "The Human Factor" the importance of people's roles in society are brought to light after the text clearly demonstrates that the creation of the new organ was a mistake. At one point, the text states "It was wonderful- and also humiliating, particularly when he was forced to bow and smile at the end..." (Ely). The organist grew jealous of the machine and essentially lost his job because a machine took over. This is similar to the short film me watched in that machines will eventually take over our jobs.

  16. It sort of makes me think about robots and things and how this relates to that. It’s interesting to think about the web being us too, but I guess it makes sense since we are always online and what we put on there makes it up. I think that this can relate to the frankenstein complex because many people fear that robots will take over the world, but if we are the ones programing them why should we worry about that.

  17. I thought the video was really interesting. It tells us about how when we use the internet, we are teach it and that could possible be dangerous. It is monster in a different sense. I think this relates to the Frankenstein Complex because by using the internet and giving it information, we are creating our own Frankenstein.

  18. The video is kind of telling us how tech is more advanced than humans and a bit scary. This relates to the Frankenstein complex because technology is reaching a dangerous advance and a lot of people are afraid of it growing even more. The only problem is that we are the ones who have created it.

  19. This video is telling us how advanced technology is and how ahead of us it is. This relates because technology is getting very advanced and it could be a threat.

  20. in this video, it is explaining how tech is very important and very advanced in this world, solving problems and it's still getting more advanced till this day.

  21. Wesch's video makes you think about how little one town really is and how big the world is and all the places you don't get to visit in one life time.

  22. This video perfectly illustrates the love/hate relationship between humans and technology. We have made it, and therefore, it's kind of like our child. But, there's always the possibility of it turning against us, and this is essentially the Frankenstein Complex. It relates to this excerpt in "Human Factor." In the story, it says, "... he often reflected that, whereas in the old days he had played the organ, now this new organ was playing him." This relates well with the video, because both talk about how these factors of life can control us.
