Thursday, January 25, 2018

Extrapolation And Future Scools 2058?

Now that you have read many of your peers' Future School Extrapolation Projects, what are you thinking?  Holistically, what are your reasonable extrapolations regarding all of the extrapolations you have read?  What potential changes excite you the most?  What potential changes fill you with angst and apprehension?  Other thoughts? 
(Please complete this blog response by 2:30p.m. on Fri., January 26th)


  1. I like the idea that we still have teachers, but there's a robot assistant. It's soon to only have robots. I also love the idea that school is 4 days a week, that would make it easier for a lot of people. I definitely think that by 2058, gender stereotypes won't be the norm.

  2. There was a lot of the same ideas of what the future might be like. A lot of people thought about having a paperless environment. There would be a lot of technology involved throughout the whole day. Also, lots of people said things like robotic teachers or assistants. Most of the same things in other people's presentations were in my presentation. I think everyone had the same thoughts for the most part. I like the idea of having self driving cars or having more freedom around learning.

  3. A General Idea for this Class was that Transportation was Generalized and Easy to use, Education was More Specific to Professions and Easier to obtain (helmets that is transferred the ideologies into your brain directly. and Teachers are always gone

  4. With all of the projects that I read, it seems like a lot people agree that technology is gonna play a big role in future education. There is going to be an absent of teachers and mostly robots will do their work. Also, the whole school will have more technology like digital yearbooks. Nothing really excites me because I won't be in school in 2058 but the whole new tech thing excites me. I think that there should still be teachers but at the same time I think that we could apprehend information better through technology. I also notice that some peoples ideas on the future school isn't so good.

  5. I saw a lot of ideas mentioning classes based on a student’s career path. Once a student knows what they’re going to do for a living, the other classes become obsolete. I think it’s a good idea to focus more on careers, and should’ve been done a long time ago, as it doesn’t require advanced technology.

  6. I found it interesting that in almost all the projects teachers were replaced by an AI unit. I think it could be exciting to take a pill that will give your brain all the knowledge you need. I think that the future will be more positive than negative but it was interesting to see both sides.

  7. Many of my classmates extrapolated a way for students to virtually experience class while they are sick or absent. A major issue in schools today is the amount of work missed when a student is not in class. In the future, class could become something that can be experienced through a few different mediums. I'm excited for technology to improve the way that we learn. However, I am nervous that learning may become automated. Some people extrapolated pills/helmets/goggles that quickly transfer information. I imagine this would be convenient, but important connections can't be made if learning is simply a passive activity.

  8. After reading through several of my peers Future Schools projects, I noticed that a lot of them mentioned technology that is not yet possible in the year 2018. As seen in some of the stories that we've read, just because it doesn't exist now doesn't mean it won't in the future. Some of the ideas in the projects like holograms seem like they could exist in the near future and the year 2058 for sure. Sure, some of the ideas were a little far fetched but you never know what will be invented in the next 40 years, especially if think about how much technology has evolved in the last two decades.

  9. My thoughts on Future school exploration projects was I was thinking that future schools will really be a change from school today. the robot staff and the futuristic cars excite me the most from school in the future. Im optimistic about what they will learn because its will be ahead from now.

  10. After reading all of them i'm thinking that there are a lot of common themes. For example having no teacher and everything being with technology reoccurred a lot. Changes in the future that excite me are the days being shorter and there being no teachers, but with having robots teach us kinda scares me.

  11. After watching my classmates presentations I saw many different ideas of what school could look like. Some people had wild theories of school being taught at home and through a online VR class, others had very little changes and in a way lack of advance in the education system. The one idea that excited me the most was the idea that school was going to have interactive desk. I think being able to control everything from your desk would be extremely cool. But as one presentation said we have no idea what will happen to schools in the future, we can only hope.

  12. My thoughts are the same with my peers thoughts. We all agreed on that the technology would defiantly advance. Some of us agreed that virtual reality could become a educational tool for schools. That would help with being on time and getting assignments done on time. Some of us agreed on the classes being bigger (the number of students), but there was also a slide saying that classes should be 20 to 30 students per class. Also, we agreed on robots will be taking over the class.

  13. After looking at all of the projects it seems like most people had a very similar idea of technology being advanced. Schools will have holographic teachers and wear headsets so that they can see the information right in front of them. Homeschooling might be at home and only last an hour at the most. Clothes will be comfortable and pretty much whatever you want to wear will be acceptable. Transportation will be quick and all together, big buses will take and pick up every student and there will be no need for crowded parking lots. I think school in 2058 will be really technologically advanced and it will be more like a little side thing you have to do each day.

  14. After reading my peer's "Future School" projects, lots of similarities included advanced technology,strictness, and a learning style which is much more flexible. I am excited to see more technology as time goes forward, as it saves resources like trees and it seems to be much more efficient (typing over writing a paper, for example). I do not look forward to the more harsh behavioral rules that I noticed in some of my peer's ideas of a future school, because I think it would damage some student's mental health and discourage them from wanting to learn. Overall, I think school in the future will be much more efficient and flexible.

  15. I like that the learning will be all technological and really advanced. It would be cool to have everything we do including lectures electronical because then you can go back to what you learned a lot easier and I like the idea of not having to carry around as much. I think that by 2058 everything will be very technologically advanced.

  16. I have read about the different ideas regarding what school will be like in 40 years. For teachers it seems most people had the idea to use a teacher to reinforce the lesson while an AI actually teaches the students. Classes are the still the same but they have technology based interactions instead of things like an old textbook. A common theme that was found throughout the projects was the idea that high school will be more like college ,getting ready for the real world instead just college in general. No one knows what the world will be like in 40 years, but hopefully it'll get cooler and we won't be in some sort of apocalypse and we won't have to learn to survive with the fallout

  17. I think that there are a few presentations that took it to the extreme, all robotic schools, no human presence whatsoever and being homeschooled for every teen on Earth. However, I do think that the robotic teachers would be possible, not necessarily a robot, but a recorded hologram of some sort. I think school as of right now is a little uncomfortable seating wise, so I would say that a different seating arrangement of chairs and tables would be the most exciting, or a shorter school day. The most nerve-racking idea was the post apocalyptic world where everyone started over from caveman times and would have to learn to hunt and gather.

  18. Some changes that would excite me the most would be taking a pill that gives you all the knowledge you need for school instead of taking tests. There will be so much new clothing and new dress codes which I do not like. Every school will have very advanced tech which I like but it could complicate things. This is what I think about school in 40 years.

  19. After reading all of my peers ideas it sparked many ideas of my own. With many possibility it was cool to see what different minds were thinking. Some people took a more futurist approach, with is entirety possible. But some people did not expect that much change to happen. When looking back in all of the advances made in the last 40 years there is no way of knowing what could happen. That´s why extrapolation is so amazing. It gives people creativity and opportunity to the future.

  20. The major thing that I noticed from the projects I saw was the optimism present. My presentation is not optimistic at all and presents school as a utilitarian factory with strict, isolating rules. The projects I observed were certainly different from school today but they were largely bright futures. Advanced technology is accepted as fact in all the projects. Whether that was automated instructors, self-driving student transports, or holographic presentation, advanced technology is the way of the future. In 40 years who knows what the landscape of tech will look like? No one. I love the idea of students controlling more of their learning and having schools conform to the individual instead of the other way around. It would be amazing if my kids were able to direct their learning. However, I don't know if that is where we are currently moving. If continued conformity prevails, such as Common Core, we may be moving towards boxing in students even more. I hope for the best but all should be prepared to challenge education if it begins to point towards the worst.

  21. Throughout my peers' projects, one thing that was common was the lowering of value in grades and the increasing value in teacher capability. A lot of projects brought up evaluating teachers to judge student retention rather than subjective student grades.

    Another thing I noticed in my peers' projects was the idea of kinesthetic learning, learning through physical activity rather than through images or words. Some projects even introduced the idea of upperclassmen being given days of the week where instead of going to school, they would shadow or intern for a job they were interested in.

  22. After looking at some of the future school presentations, I got a good feel for what the future societies may hold. The most common characteristic of all the presentations was the fact that paper will likely be eliminated and replaced by technology. People came up with many different forms of technology that could potentially make an appearance in the future. There was also a common trend with the idea of Virtual Reality goggles or glasses. I know that I included this in my presentation and I saw them in others' presentations as well. This device excites me for the future because I think that these will glasses will really help students become more engaged and interactive with their learning. Many people also mentioned the idea of dress code in schools. This was interesting to me because the dress codes in several presentations were very different. It was very cool to see how people saw the future dress codes differently. I didn’t really see anything that made me nervous but I tend to like “old-fashioned” so I can’t say that I am too excited for all of the technology to come. I like writing on paper but I know that this will likely be eliminated which is definitely something I am not looking forward to.

  23. After going through about four or five presentations, I found that a lot of of people believe that VR will be our next gateway into education. Interacting with digital items and people in this reality is a very common point that is used, which makes me think that we will have that in the future. I am most excited for Virtual Reality, because it will take an extra step into making education more interesting. There was one presentation though that do fill me with angst. It talked about the conditions of life after WWII and how people will be forced to fend for themselves. This was worrying because if someone hadn't gotten food for multiple days in a row they could die of starvation. I would like to see this future anytime soon.

  24. After looking at all of the projects for future schools I saw so many things that I didn't think of at the time like all humans in school like teachers and falcultly members being replaced by robots because that would have been the current way to teach and a dome that covers the entire school whcih is cool but why would a dome be needed in the first place along with the new technology that would change the way you learn like never leaving your house to go school.

  25. I find it interesting that majority of the projects I looked at included robots replacing the teachers and helping the teachers and students out. Although there were many variations within the projects they all seemed to be similar technology wise. None of the projects I looked at had students using paper at school. There were different uses of technology, but I liked the ideas of attending class through virtual reality or having some sort of helmet that you are learning by. I like the idea of having students learning based on their career path which I saw on a couple of projects.

  26. While all being very different, most of these projects had many similarities as well. A recurring theme in many of the projects was the "robot teacher." Most included the replacement of teachers with robots, some with machines like VR, or a helmet that plants knowledge straight into one's mind. Several groups also went into small details of the school, like writing utensils or schedules, but in the big picture, we all had the same visions for the future.

  27. Although many of these projects share similar ideas and explanations, they differ by how realistic they would be in an actual society. For example, examples like robot teachers may be possible, but some students may feel that this is a bit creepy. On the other hand, virtual school may actually happen, and I feel that students would support this too.
