Friday, November 3, 2017

Frankenstein Or "Us In The Machine?"

What does Wesch's short video about "us in the machine" make you think? How might this video connect with The Frankenstein Complex stories to date? Explain and use one quotation from a short story to connect. Reflect, dissect, challenge, etc... Please complete this prompt in class or by 2:30p.m. on Mon., November 6th.


  1. I think this is connecting to the Frankenstein complex because we made computers and they are learning from us and they could become stronger or weaker.

  2. Makes me think that we teach the machine and advance it. "The network is us" showing we make up the tech, may not invent it but we do progress it and make it what it is.

  3. The video we viewed made me think of how over reliant of technology we have become, showing that we have taught the machine to think, act, and almost behave like us. Much like EPICAC, the computer may one day begin to understand human emotion as more than just a few pixels.

  4. I think that the short video made me think of how much information our technology is getting from us. I think that we have evolved along with the technology that it is smart enough to track everything. The more we use it the more information it will collect to understand the user.

  5. It makes us think about how machines can learn. And maybe we should be cautious when developing AI and other forms of computer communication. We need to make sure the human factor isn't taken out. We need to be more careful about what we teach machines.

  6. This video makes me think about the Frankenstein complex because we are making the internet. like a scientist making a human. In Human Factor is says "we engineer out the human factor" This means that they used human technology to hurt other humans by losing their jobs.

  7. What this makes me think is how the video said how the machine is learning from us. How much longer until they don't need us anymore. We learn just as much from the machines as we do from each other. This connects to The Frankenstein Complex because it shows just how the machine that we have created has lead us to learning from it.

  8. It makes me think that computers will become a even bigger part of society. Computers and the internet are everywhere now, but in the future it will take over jobs etc. This connects with the Frankenstein complex because we will get scared of what we've created when it starts replacing us.

  9. This video made me think how we created the monster of the internet that we complain so much about today, we taught it to be the way it is and influenced how it influences us today. LIke the Frankenstien complex its a michine we created that now can become to powerful but its our faults in the end, computers did not create themselves.

  10. It shows that the machine isn't responsible for what it does, it is the human who made it's fault. This is similar to the Frankenstein complex because it shows that the monster or machine isn't at fault, it the human.

  11. This short films put in the question about how far the computer can get away from us where it is even still ours. It shows how the computer started as something completely different than it is now and how it is getting farther and farther away from needing human interaction with it to function. This brings us the question with the Frankenstein complex because we have created something that may in the near future be out of our own control. We ourselves could be creating a monster.

  12. It kind of shows how we create these things and we have to control these AI entities that we are just starting to create and understand. It is something that we have created that without our help and guidance could change a lot. It is certainly something that will change humanity and how we see and do a lot of things. This creation will force us to reconsider a lot of the things that we think we know as facts of life.

  13. we program the machines to make it how we want it and if it malfunctions weare responsible

  14. The short video we watched in class made me think about how our computers learn from us and how maybe one day the computers will use us.

  15. Machines and computers are becoming more and more like people. So it kind of relates to the Frankenstein complex because the more that they become more realistic, they are more of a threat to the human race

  16. The movie shows the idea that we teach computers by using them. It also explains implications this may have, and the implications the computers have on us humans. Also, humanity may begin to fear its own creation (the internet, computers, etc).

  17. The short video made me think that if we make computers too advanced, the human factor will be taken out, and we wont be able to control them.

  18. This video relates to the Frankenstein Complex because it kind of explains how our creations are learning off of us, and we are teaching them how to be smarter then us.

  19. The video just made me think that we've created a powerful tool. We must be a little cautious in using it though, lest we find ourselves being used by it.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This video makes me think of how we don't fully understand our technology today. It's only evolved since we've created the internet and it learns as we give it more information.

  22. When the human race created the internet it was not nearly as intelligent as it is now. But the same goes for humans, humans were not nearly as inelegant as they were before the internet progressed. Yes the internet learns from us, but we also learn from the internet. Eventually technology will go above and beyond of what it is now but so will the human race. The battle is getting there before the computer does. We forgot that as a human race we cannot let what the computer says define our intelligence instead we need to let the human race define the computers intelligence and how far we want it to go.
