Thursday, October 12, 2017

Xenophobia And Alien Planets?

As you viewed the Alien Planet Projects created by your peers, what did you notice?  How do these projects help us delve into the concept of xenophobia?  Please comment, share, argue, and critique the trends or ideas that you noticed.  Please complete this blog response by Friday, Oct. 13th at 2:30p.m.


  1. I noticed that a lot of people did planets that were similar to Earth in climate and societies. They help us delve into the concept of xenophobia in that we as a human race have trouble thinking of things that are different than us. We have trouble thinking of beings that need different things to live or act differently than we do. I really like the ideas people had for aliens, and how different the various planets looked in terms of geography.

  2. I noticed that all planets are fairly similar to earth. Let us see that people are hesitant to right about something different. I noticed that on some, there was a focus on animals, and very little else.

  3. One of the common things I saw through most was that it was extremely hotter at this new planet then it was here. A lot of them also had new lifeforms that weren't anything like humans, a lot were actually more similar to food and plants then humans or animals.

  4. Something that I noticed when going throughout the projects was that each planet was at least in some parts earth-like. The creatures usually created as the dominate race usually had two eyes and a bilateral human structure. They almost always had a similar government to a nation on earths and usually always had similar learning and math to ours. I believe this shows that we are all maybe xenophobic in the sense that it is hard for us to comprehend anything that is very drastically different than us.

  5. A lot of the life forms and climates bore a lot of similarity to Earth. In some cases the connections were more obvious, in others it was a little bit harder to see. The planets were a little bit different from earth. More so than the life forms were. People were fairly creative when it came to relationships. I saw a few planets where there were two sentient species at war.

  6. I noticed a lot of weird species and monsters. A lot of the climates where like earths and someone had a lot of spelling errors

  7. I noticed that most of the projects focused on the life forms of the planet, not the physical features of it. There was also many details on how the climate effects the animals. Overall each project was unique and interesting.

  8. As I looked through the slides and the presentations I noticed that a lot of people had different ideas and ways they created their planets. I noticed that a lot of people had very creative life forms on their planet that in some way help the citizens on that planet. I think everyone had varied on if they kept it similar to earth o not, some parts were the same as earth and other parts are not.

  9. Many of the planets that I viewed showed an adept understanding of world building, combining actual science facts with imagination. A lot of the planets also had at least some minor division of races and societal issues, which was a great way to express xenophobia among sentient races.

  10. Xenophobia was very prevalent in all of these because of the fact that they all had many elements similar to Earth because we have a hard time understanding things different than out normal world.

  11. I noticed that a lot of the planets were kind of similar. This has to do with xenophobia because humans can't really think of anything that is really different from us, and when we do, we're usually scared of them.

  12. I noticed that most of the planets were very similar to Earth, and used a lot of Earth measurements to show size. These projects in some ways show what we are scared of. There was one that had a 2 foot tall carnivorous spider, and I think that would be terrifying if it were real. Some of them had the point of view of a human which I thought was cool, because it is an alien planet.

  13. A lot of things i noticed throughout the projects was that people used a lot of temperatures, like planets were either extremely hot or extremely cold and very diverse in their creatures.

  14. I noticed a lot of differences in people's perception of alien lifeforms and alien planets. Many people made them outrageous and crazy, while others were more earth-like.

  15. I noticed that all the planets didn't have any "scary looking" creatures. Because they may want to stay away from xenophobia. I tried going a little out of the box and making some more fearful creatures. The concept may also help decrease fear of xenophobia by creating your own creatures, and accepting things that are not the norm for us.

    1. It's Nick Urba I don't know what my name isn't showing up

  16. I noticed that many of the creatures on the alien planets closely resemble creatures on our own planet, or creatures from mythology. The creators of these creatures may have involuntarily been xenophobic of a planet with radically different creatures, so they drew inspiration from the creatures of Earth.

  17. I noticed that all the planets were based on some type of things on Earth. For example many of the animals or plants had some type of feature that things on Earth also have. It was hard to make an animal without a reference. None of the projects had a form of xenophobia because it was all focused on their own planet.

  18. After looking around a bit, I noticed that people filled in the gaps of their ideas with details about the real world. This connects to Xenophobia because it shows that we have trouble imagining a reality different from our own.

  19. I notice looking at these projects is how everything looks a lot like earth and how the smartest species are human like. This shows how we as a human race can not think of other aliens that are unlike humans.

  20. After looking at the classes projects I noticed a real exspantion of creativity, where as highschoolers we are often cut short or told to shorten our creativity where here I really saw my peers come up with abstract things are start from zero and go from there creatively. These projects contribute to the idea of xneophobia in the stuggle to imagine things outside of what we know and what a chanllenge it is to create something different than the norm

  21. After seeing these presentations I noticed that most aliens from other planets have evolved a lot less than humans, we see animals with one eye or 6 libs. This shows that we as humans feel as if we are the more dominant race but in real life advanced aliens would look alot like a human rather than a octopus or a warefolf type creature. We as humans are scared to be outsmarted by aliens, therefore we view them as dumb animals in order to make us feel better.

  22. I noticed that Alot of people made weird species and that they made the species look strange because thats how must people see other species. like aliens

  23. I noticed that a lot of the projects mixed multiple animals together for new animals on their planets. They used a lot of things that were like earth like the climate and not many people focused on the physical features. The projects were really creative, but a lot of them were pretty similar to one another.

  24. I noticed that a lot of the projects resembled the key qualities of earth. This includes animals looking similar to animals on earth but mutated into two or more different species. Also similar land forms, climate, and direction. Considering Earth is all we know it's normal to not be able to imagine anything else than where we are. Or the fact that there could be a place completely different that Earth. This sort of connects to Xenophobia because in a way subconsciously we are afraid of total change/something different. That is why we always include anything remotely similar to earth on the alien planet, because so matter how small its something we know and recognize.
