Friday, April 12, 2013

Robots Or Framkenstein? Should We Choose?

What Frankenstein Complex commentary do the Robot Ads possibly state?  Do you notice any commonalities amongst the projects?  Warnings?  Other ideas?  Please reference what you witnessed during yiour class perusal time.  Specifics are needed.


  1. I think this does resemble the theory a lot because we create things that might over come us one day. We are making things that seem to be getting to personal with our lives today. I think we still need to make sure that what we create wont harm us or our loved ones. We have to be smart about it for the future.

  2. I thought it was interesting how many people had designed robots designed to take care of pets or babies. I don't mind taking care of my dog, I actually feel like it helps us grow closer together, the pet will love whoever gives it food. I didn't really see any safety features, and they were needed. There should definitely be safety features in place if the robot is going to handle your loved ones. Our project was about something directly implanted into your brain, and we included some safety features, but there can never really be enough with that kind of robot.

  3. All the people have put in a form of safety features that make it so there is no possible way for the robot to turn on you or harm you. And most are creations to make our life easier rather than just to get enjoyment out of. One is noticed was actually used for war. So that one robot is actually built to harm which in my opinion is the opposite of what people want in this world. because if your designing the robot to harm then it could possibly at some point turn on the people controlling it.

  4. The projects all seemed to have a fail safe to protect the user. This goes exactly off what the Frankenstein complex teaches us that many of the times what was created comes back and gains self awareness to wreak havoc and harm the creator or those around. Almost all the projects I saw had some sort of safe guard against this, as it is one of our biggest fears as humans, our creations coming back to haunt us. Can we argue though that the fault is in the creator for this anyways?

  5. Commonalities I saw between the projects were robots designed to help make common everyday tasks more manageable and easier. A robot designed to help train your dog, so you wouldn't have to do it yourself, or a robot to do your chores for you. Brian the Brain was designed to do your homework for you as well. These can relate to the Frankenstein Complex by having safety features (required) where most would shut down, or refuse to do a task.

  6. One common theme I saw was replacement. Most of the advertisements were for things that could do tasks people don't want to do. The other danger I saw was for things like spy bots or war bots, intended to invade privacy (or actually invade). Not only are they replacing people (soldier robots) but they study the humans first. When we start violating the laws of robotics, a lot of bad things are bound to happen.

  7. One thing that reminded me of the Frankenstein Complex was the robotic nanny. I think it's a very frieghtening idea thinking that a robot would raise your kids and become a big influence on their lives. I just wouldn't trust a robot taking care of my kids. Some commonalities that I noticed was the automatic shut off. That appeared on many people's projects as a safety feature. This is an important idea because the inability to turn your robot off if it were to ever malfunction would be a great flaw in design, and would also render the robot extremely unsafe. Just seeing all these possibilities of robots is warning enough, as there could be a robot for anything and everything in the future. And in the end that would dehumanize us all.

  8. The Robot Ads add to the Frankenstein complex because most ideas were to help the lazy human and replace jobs that most humans don't want to do. If the robots seen in the Robot Ad project are created they will replace the "human factor" in a lot of aspects. Most robots were designed to clean or help their human owners, but I also noticed a robot fly that can spy on people. This invention would worry me because then nothing is private.

  9. Something that the projects had in common was they were mostly for household use and they would clean up. They also had warnings on the features of the robot because sometimes they can't control their creation and that is how it relates to the Frankenstein complex.

  10. Many of the robot ads were about making things easier for you. There was a computer that would be implanted into your brain and answer anything you asked it, a robot nanny that would raise your child for you, and a robo butler that wouldn't mind if you called him Jeeves. All of these products have similarities to the robot from "Sales Pitch". Similarly to the classes products, the robot from the story demonstrates mankinds fear that we will eventually become so sedentary that we are at the mercy of our creations to perform simple tasks, like thinking, feeding your baby, or absolutley anything you ask it (thought machine, robot nanny, robot butler respectively.)

  11. I feel like the Frankenstein complex relates too the robot adds because we would be teaching these robots how to do certain talks based on our needs. They would become our creation and could become a potential threat. Thats why a lot of the projects had certain safety features to protect against these threats. I saw many robots that were meant for household use, I also saw that there were robots for military purposes as well.

  12. What things the robot will do if they do not have safety features, that stop them from doing illegal things. A commonality in the projects was that they were all purpose made for a specific task. During the cruising around the classroom i saw a spy fly robot ad which if the robot turned on us it could be a terminator type of uprising.

  13. Some Ads show the robot performing a specific task where others are little versatile. The one commonality in all the ads is that all of them have some sort of safety features mentioned. I also noticed that most of the robots looked futuristic, none of the robots looked like a throw-back. I also think that most of the robots perform tasks that are too personal (e.g. cleaning, nursing a baby), and that may affect how we are as humans. The one thing we need to be careful of is: Is what we create going to harm us in the future?

  14. The most common theme I saw throughout the robot ad presentations was that they were trying to make the lives of humans easier, or better in some way, shape, or form. Many of the ideas I saw have many potential flaws and could go wrong if not maintained properly. But above all their is a bright future in the world of robotics.

  15. Most of the Robot Ads were made to look like humans, or to take to place of humans. I looked at ads detailing mechanical flies that the military could use in place of human spies, and robot butlers designed to do your chores for you. While most of the robots seemed conventional, some robots made humans seem lazy. In relation to the Frankenstein complex, I though it was interesting that most of the ads seem to have the capability to one day take our places, or become uncontrollable.

  16. The Frankenstein complex commentary that is shown in the robot ads is that the they may or might not work and there where in common by sometimes they can't control their creation and that is how it relates to the Frankenstein complex.

  17. The Frankenstein Complex theory did apply in this robot project because we might encounter these one day. What I noticed about the commonalities amongst the projects was that they all had something to do with helping around the house, I didn't see that many safety features which is very important if they are going to be around our loved ones.

  18. Some of the projects attempted to replace something that many households have. Such as a dog or a cat. When they do this they attach certain emotions to that machine. Meaning people care for it. Like they would a pet. Making the machine more like a living thing. Because it would be able to receive something that in the past would be given to living things. This ties into the Frankenstein Complex. Because it begins to raise machines to a level closer to man. And if at one point the robot could recognize the emotional attachments. It may pursue these connections. Replacing even more functions than intended.

  19. These Robot ads were very interesting in the fact that the abilities were so far fetched from what humans are capable of doing. All the projects had safety features, I think that safety features justify a reason for a owner to be fearful. It has consumers thinking, there could be something more to the robot I don't understand. In technology and things we create they don't always work the way they are suppose to. Think of cars, they are always needing fixing and assisting. These projects' robots are very convincing, although some raised some concern and even fear.

  20. the commonalities between the robot ad projects was that there were safety features to keep the robots from hurting you. Also on top of that there where not very many warnings about safety. This is mainly because their isn't much to be worried about because robots are here to make our lives easier, their is little chance of anything going wrong.

  21. The commonalities between the robots and the projects was they were supposed to be designed to help people out but they all had safety problems to keep the robots in ling. There is many worries about having robots to help with peoples lives because even though there is a possibility that everything will go okay there is also that worry that some thing can go the wrong way and not be good for humans to be around.

  22. I am answering for my project specifically

    My project stressed the idea of time management and efficiency. The safety features on my robot were aimed more at protecting the robot instead of the people who use it. I personally don't think a nail technician robot would become too dangerous to society, so I stand behind my decision to include more safety features for the actual robot. The special features were a nice touch, and I believe they made the robot unique and different from a human nail technician. The Frankenstein Complex plays a small role in the creation of my robot, but overall, I believe our lives would not be in danger around a robot nail technician. The only way she could possibly dominate is by deciding to use a color of her choice on someone's nails.
