Monday, August 17, 2020

What Is Your Definition Of Science Fiction?

 Robert A. Heinlein, author and critic:

Science fiction is "realistic speculation about possible future events, based solidly on adequate knowledge of the real world, past and present, and on a thorough understanding of the nature and significance of the scientific method" (quoted by Knight in Bishop, Nebula Awards 25, 3).

Theodore Sturgeon, author:

"'A good science-fiction story is a story about human beings, with a human problem, and a human solution, which would not have happened at all without its science content'" (as quoted in "Atheling, More Issues", 12).

George Hay:

"Science fiction is what you find on the shelves in the library marked science fiction."
(Aforementioned quotes were borrowed from Dr. Agatha Taormina's web page):

Which of these quotations aligns with your definition of Science Fiction? Please respond thoughtfully using references to class discussion, prior knowledge, science fiction literature, science fiction films, etc... Type using complete sentences. This blog response is due by 3:40p.m. on Thursday, September 3rd, 2020.


  1. I like what George Hay had to say it is close to mine and I also inferred it as like science fiction can be almost anything you want and that it doesn't have to be marked. My definition is something that you think you can make possible through science no matter how plausible it is.

  2. Robert A. Heinlein, was closest to my definition of Science fiction. I think that Science fiction is a possible event that could happen in time that could be otherworldly or eathly.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Science fiction isn’t something concrete, in the same way that most of the stories aren’t concrete in definition. Contrary to fantasy science fiction has a purpose more than to entertain but to question or answer questions. I would say science fiction operates in the grey between reality and what reality could be. Theodore Spurgeon puts it well saying "'A good science-fiction story is a story about human beings, with a human problem, and a human solution, which would not have happened at all without its science content'" (as quoted in "Atheling, More Issues", 12).

  5. The first quote aligns with my definition of science fiction. The way I look at science fiction is that it's a guess as to what the future could be based on what we have today. Examples of this are like flying cars and hover boards.

  6. My definition of science fiction is literature or movies that bend the normal ideas we have on earth and create brand new ones that seem too far into the future to be true.. I think the closest quote to that one is the one by Robert A. Heinlein. This quote aligns more with the idea that without the context that the story is set into the future, the ideas in the story would seem impossible.

  7. Science fiction is a topic about looking into the future and predicting things that can go wrong and how we as a human race will get past the problems of the future. The quote from Robert A. allergens with my viewpoint of science fiction the most. He thinks ¨understanding of the nature and significance of the scientific method¨ I like this way of thinking because it shows how we come up with these topics using things that exist in science today, and seeing how these things may change or arise problems in the future.

  8. Robert A. Heinlein was the closest to my definition of science fiction because I think science fiction is about the future and looking into what could happen and how we will go forward, same with the past and present, how do we not make the same mistake? What do we do differently? What can we do now to make things better for the future?

  9. Science fiction is a a genre that creates situations that are beyond reality. Whether it is in the future, in space or with aliens, it is far more that humans can experience here on earth. I think the best quote is by DirkGently's Holistic Detective Agency. It says, "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with its ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."

  10. I think that the first quote is the closest to matching my definition because like he said it could be possible future events and I agree with that because I think some things could really happen at some point.

  11. The quote by Theodore Sturgeon aligns with my definitions of science fiction. It shows us our mistake and how we fix them through the science we have or will have

  12. Science fiction is based on what we can imagine will happen at some point in the future. It's not a concrete theory because it is based on what is happening now and what has happened in the past. It is based on how much we think something will advance and how long it will take to advance. I think the quote by Robert A. Heinlein best describes what science fiction is.

  13. Trey
    I think that it is a gateway to possibilities unknown,to write and create things never seen before, to be you. science fiction is an opportunity to do whatever you want and to write about what creative things that come out of your mind. To otherworldly mythical creatures who can destroy with ease,to inventarios right here on earth. the idea of Science fiction is a canvas, and your imagination is the paintbrush.
